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Re: Simultaneous fire [was UK/US in balkans (as the UN)]

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 09:07:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Simultaneous fire [was UK/US in balkans (as the UN)]

On 20-Jan-00 at 05:02,
( wrote: > *unlurk*
> Quoting Michael T Miserendino (Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 03:04:00PM -0500)
> [simultaneous fire]
> > 1. Recording damage now becomes a pain.  You need to indicate that
> >  has been taken but will not take affect until the end of the combat
> > between  the two squadrons.  It seems this would also slow game
> > This is a  potential spot for errors - e.g. A player might forget
> > damaged occured  this turn from previous damage, and not fire a
> > system. 

My original post appears to have dropped somewhere, so...

As everyone suggested, make a / on the hull or armour when
the damage is rolled.  After all damage has been marked
complete the X and do thresholds if necessary.	The big
difference this way is you will only ever make 1 threshold
check in a turn.  For a large fleet this would probably
speed things up.

Vector question- Am I the only one that drops a "start of
vector" marker before moving ships in vector?  Doing
that on the next turn the new vector is marker->ship, no
waffling about direction and none of the speed rounds 
you seem to get with the "official" rules.  I personally
think it is easier.


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