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Re: tactics vs a slow mover with high arcs

From: GBailey@a...
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 08:03:56 EST
Subject: Re: tactics vs a slow mover with high arcs

more rebuttals...
From: "Laserlight" <>

Take long ranged weapons (eg Beam 3 or 4).  Stand back and plink
from beyond his range.	Eventually you'll wear him down.  It
won't be fun, mind you, but it'll work.

Run scenarios at least moderately related to real life.  There's
a reason the navy loves fast ships--they work better than
semi-mobile forts because they can make it to the decisive point
on time.

Get better at maneuvering.  No advice on this, I didn't get into
FT, really, until Vector movement.

Roll sixes.  Some people do, apparently, have a knack for
influencing the dice.  I hesitate to call it psi, but it does
exist.	I did a test in college with some of my gaming friends
and we calculated that I rolled significantly higher than
average--something like 4.1 instead of 3.5, IIRC, but that was a
while ago.  Unfortunately I can't tell you how to learn to do
I got some side-arcs 3-beam or 4-beam ships (similiar designs, just
a matter of number of beams and the 3-beamer has double screens).
I just see using them as a long and boring "plinking" game.  But it
may be the way I have to go against him.

Space ships & real life?  They currently don't mix.  :)  
Unless we play in a campaign and make the FTL speed related to 
maneuver drives, I can't see imposing this on anyone.  And what 
would be the point in scenario based combats?  All his ships have
the same speed, or would travel at the speed of the slowest one.
So either there's a battle with his entire points or there would be
no battle.  I've tried introducing some very simple campaigns but
no one is interested.

Anyone offering Manuevering 101?    :)

"Roll sixes".  Sounds similiar to "get a bigger gun".  I did get
dice and my rolls have improved, to average.  *sigh*
From: Beth Fulton <>

G'day Glen,

There will be many, much better at this than I, who will give you great
design/tactical advice, but until in the meantime here's a few thoughts
get you on your way...

>It's a rare battle that I win against him.  The few times was with
>torps that had a high percentage of hits (I always have 1 out of
>the bunch miss, even at point blank range)

Point One: This may just be something you have to get used to, but you
pleased to note that you are not alone and that there is a support group
for people so accursed. Indy (Mr "I only roll ones for p-torps") and I
only roll ones period") will be more than glad to share our
self-help/'drown-your-sorrows' action plans ;)

 (snipped rest)
G'day to you, too.

PTA stands for Pulse Torps Anonymous, right?  When's the next meeting? 
I guess "singles" night has a different meaning to those of us
rolling ones.  :)

I already commented to another about using FB ships; to put it bluntly:

On missile boats, tried it.  I have this knack for hitting "bonzai
Maybe I should try multiple shot missile barrages.  But his newest
have many PDS and all big ships have ADFC.  Takes a lot to get through.
Someone else commented about More Thrust missiles.  He actually tried
it once and I outmaneuvered them.  Conclusion: not very good.  But,
his slow ships?  I may have to design some ships with them.
They are still only hit on a 6 from a PDS using FB?  What about class-1


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