RE: tactics vs a slow mover with high arcs
From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:10:15 +1100
Subject: RE: tactics vs a slow mover with high arcs
Increase the speed of your firing passes. Burn in at velocity 14-18 &
only get 1 long range turn.
Using 5-arc class 3s are costing him weapon mass, so for every one of
class 3s you get 4 3-arc class 2s. (I can't believe I'm saying this...)
How about sending in 2 separate waves from opposite sides? Multiarc
can only fire in 1 direction at a time, so 1 wave will get free shots.
Another option is to increase the number of destroyers you field. Mount
them with 5-6 submunition packs each & send them in at velocity 20+. 15
beam die ignoring screens is a lot of re-rolls & damage...
Or try removing all your offensive weapons & load your ships with
but torpedo & attack fighters.
In a 1500 point game, you should be able to get about 10-15 squadrons on
board, which not even the best point defence can stop them all.
Or the last option is easy: stop playing against him in design-your-own
battles. Only play him with FTFB ships.
The only reason his ships are so powerful, is that he is using mobile
stations against your mobile force. Drop him into an asteroid field or
other terrain & see what happens. Your mobility will allow you to hide
behind asteroids until you get close & with a more balanced weapon fit,
should be level in firepower, even with the higher drives.
Neath Southern Skies -
[mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu
[pirates] Prince Rupert Raspberry; Base Commander
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 10:44 AM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: FT: tactics vs a slow mover with high arcs
> based on the miniatures he's using: WW1-WW2 era naval ships.
> Move 2 (now he's gone to move 1), 5 arc class-3 beams with some
> class-2s (the secondarys) and class-1s, point defenses and each
> "BB" has a an area defense, weak hulls with lots of armor (he saw
> that he lots of armor left upon the first threshold and he commented
> that he may go with average hulls and less armor). Since I have a
> lot of "Star Trek" and SFB minis my designs are based on what I
> think they should have, with many variations. I hate move 2 ships.
> Move 4 or better for me. I don't know why I keep trying, though,
> I can't seem to get a handle on cinematic movement.
> So I'm tired of being the wimp that bully Steve picks on so any
> suggestions
> for tactics? Any ideas for improving tactical maneuverability?
> I had a thought about that yesterday that I should plan for two turns
> ahead
> on the approach shot so have to give it a try.
> This brings up another point. I think increased arc costs are too
> compared to maneuver cost. Or is it that I'm just terrible at
> maneuvering?
> Maybe I should "sink" to his level and design multi-arc slow moving
> ships as well?
> Glen