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Fw: The Tripoli Tribune Vol 1(3)

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 20:10:55 -0500
Subject: Fw: The Tripoli Tribune Vol 1(3)

Since some of the List also play DBM/DBA etc:

>From: Dr Brendan Moyle <>

>In case you are not aware of this, Musuem Miniatures is running
its annual
>January sale 25% off.
>As I use a lot of their figs for my Outremer collection
(shields big enough
>to see heraldry symbols on basically), some of you might be
interested in
>their figures also.
>Dave is interested in sculpting an Eleanor of Acquitaine,
Milite in
>Bishop's mitre and a figure carrying the Truce Cross later this
year.  Send
>him a bag-full of spare time please.

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