Starship Miniatures for Sale
From: Tom Granvold <Thomas.Granvold@E...>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:03:48 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Starship Miniatures for Sale
I hope that people don't mind that I post this here. I've been
communicating with Bob who has some starships miniatures to sell.
If your interested please contact him at
Replying to this mailing list won't do any good since he doesn't read
it. Here is a list of what he has for sale.
TS-03 GB 'Shark'(1) $9.50
TS-05 SD 'Swiftsure'(3) $8.25
TS-06 SGD 'Victory' (1) $35.00
EK-20 GD 'Mantis' (1) $12.50
EK-24 SD 'Wasp' (3) $8.25
WK-60 GD 'Leviathan'(1) $12.50
WK-62 GB 'Shark'(1) $9.50
WK-63 SC 'Barracuda'(2) $9.50
Enterprise (1 plastic), Federation Dreadnought (1 plastic)
Klingon D7 (1 metal) $6.50
Note that the Starfleet Wars miniatures are from the orginal
run by Superior back around 1978. The Star Trek miniatues are
also back from that period of time which means that they probably
were made by Gamescience or Zocchi.
If your intersted contact Bob at
Tom Granvold