RE: OU ships and a hunt for some Battlestar Galactica "ish" fighters
From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 10:48:05 -0600
Subject: RE: OU ships and a hunt for some Battlestar Galactica "ish" fighters
> > Mike Miserendino use some of the fighter minis from Reviresco in his
> > Battlestar games at GenCon (pics on my GenCon Page):
> >
> Oh, lordy, I forgot how cool your pages were.
> That SF crossover game, with ships from Star Trek,
> Star Wars, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, and
> Space Above and Beyond, is just too cool for words.
> How I wish I could have been at GenCon and
> participated!
> Thank you so much for the ship control sheets!
> I may try to re-create this battle with my
> collection of starship minatures, supplemented
> with printed counters.
Thanks for the kind words. At GenCon 2000 I will run the next chapter
Sci-Fi Crossover, Return of the Executor. The Star Wars Empire pulls
the big guns when a Super Star Destroyer shows up (Kenner SW collector's
fleet) along with some escorts. Opposing the tyrany will be the usual
ships from B5, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Space: Above and
plus the Trek ships will have a Battle Tug and a new fleet of ships from
Star Blazers Earth Defence Force will make an appearance and possibly a
small fleet of Star Wars Rebels will also show up.
Dean Gundberg
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