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Re: ChitDrawer source.

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 10:31:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: ChitDrawer source.

And if you want a Pilot derivative you can use a free version
of gcc that does executables for the Palms or Visors.  What
I am hearing is that the Visor is the way to go.  When I
replace my III (which was stolen in Dallas) I'm going with
a Visor.

Also, in way of GZG type software, I saw a spreadsheet for
designing FT ships for one of the standard spreadsheets you
can get for your Palm.


(Christmas and an upcoming trip to Machu Pichu have left me
 unable to replace my III, I feel like I have lost 1/2 my

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