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RE: Decals

From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:34:29 -0600
Subject: RE: Decals

> My comment to Dean is if you think you are hamfisted, buy two
> decal sheets.
> :) For those of us who are careful, I'd rather have more decals per
> I'll buy a second sheet if I'm worried. Otherwise, I have waste decals
> the tune of half the sheet....

Ok Ok ;)  4 names per sheet is a bit much, 2 will be fine.  You have to
remember that on these decal sheets, the whole sheet is decal film*, so
cut out your decal as close as you can to the actual image.  I've had to
an then position decals as small as 2mm by 5mm without any good place to
hold on to.  Then the decal breaks or it rolls up or it folds over, etc.
is just plain difficult dealing with decals this small, and if they are
small, they don't take up much space so you can have duplicates ;)

*Most comercial decal sheets the decal film for each image is separate
slightly larger than the image

Dean Gundberg

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