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RE: OU ships and a hunt for some Battlestar Galactica "ish" fighters

From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 11:26:06 -0600
Subject: RE: OU ships and a hunt for some Battlestar Galactica "ish" fighters

Tom Barclay wrote:
> BTW2 - Anyone know where I can find FT scale cylon raider type ships
> viper type ships (Not Vipers or Not Raiders)?

Mike Miserendino use some of the fighter minis from Reviresco in his
Battlestar games at GenCon (pics on my GenCon Page):

Reviresco does not have good pictures of these minis on their site
(, but I think
were the the 'Gnat Gunship' for the Viper and the 'Ralnai Corvette' for
Cylon Raider.  They may be a bit big for FT scale though and look to be
bit pricey.

Tony F wrote:
> Funny, I built an FT scale (ie about 8mm long) Viper only the other
> Haven't done a Cylon raider yet but give me time ...
> Don't know when we'll get around to releasing them - no sooner than
May /
> June, certainly.

Thanks for the slip and I definitely need some Vipers so please continue
working on them.

Dean Gundberg

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