Re: On the Care and Feeding of Clone Corps
From: DracSpy@a...
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 01:27:11 EST
Subject: Re: On the Care and Feeding of Clone Corps
In a message dated 1/5/2000 11:00:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> I still don't really believe in the idea of cloning a personallity
> to a new body for soldiers, however...
> If I were going to do it I would pick someone who was a fanatic
> as my base and then alter what they were fanatical about. Yes,
> people have a sense of self-preservation programmed in, but
> people also seem to work around this quite well. I don't think
> I could strap a bomb to myself, walk into a building, and set
> it off without extreme circumstances, but that doesn't imply
> that others can't.
> Roger
I don't know the rest of this thread, but I've seen some hypathetical
aplications of cloning and gentic alterations. They start, for the most
part, with non-human subjects. Using this type of base its simple to
reprogram them to do things like moving into a building and blowing a
up. The reason it is less complex is that there brain is not as complex
you can change the paramiters with relitive ease. All of this is
hypathetical of course and may not hold up to the real world.
-Stephen (I'm back, I think)