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RE: Dean's Reinforcements

From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 13:01:14 -0600
Subject: RE: Dean's Reinforcements

> Nice work Dean. But the NAC seems to be "unlinked" at the present. I
> liked some of the work you did for the NSL though, and your FSE and
> look credible too.

Well I'm not quite done updating everything yet.  I only had time to
the FSE and the NSL pages and I know of a fix or two I need to make on
already.  The ESU page is still my original set of reinforcements, and I
have updated several of those designs.

> Will the NAC link be appearing soon?

Maybe tonight along with updating the ESU.

After everything is updated, I'll send a message to the list on what
were updated and a bit of background and such.

Dean Gundberg

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