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Re: Nanotech will solve everything...

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 10:10:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Nanotech will solve everything...

On  2-Jan-00 at 05:49, Magic ( wrote:
> Roger,
> Quite the contrary the nano-research is going very well.  Though Eric
> Drexler was a bit optimistic he has not been far off in the research
> of this tech.  Like all science there have been slowdowns and
> additions from other areas that are keeping nano research open.  Would
> US Govt (a notable conservative organization) start to throw money at
it if
> it was just waving a magic wand?
> Magic (No wand waving here <G>)

It's going well, but do you really think we are going to make a 
cellular size machine that not only knows how to put a brain 
together (which obviously is currently coded in DNA) but also
knows how to build a brain that has all the right neural pathways
which the DNA does not know?  Basicly you need all the information
about how to put the brain together AND all the information stored
in the brain.  I don't believe that will fit in something the size
of a cell.


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