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I need help with starting a campaign.

From: Sindre Cools Berg <cobos@s...>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 22:02:13 +0100
Subject: I need help with starting a campaign.

My friends and I want to try playing a campaign game of FT.
We would like to (at least in theory) base it on the official world as
we use FT designs only. I've seen there has been some campaign rules
discussed here and some of them looked really good. The only problem I
have is that none of the systems I've seen thus far has any data on the
starting position of the players. There are several rules for how much a
planet can produce etc etc. but nowhere is there any information about
what kind, number etc you should start with. SO...
I've taken a look at the starmap's at the Encyclopedia and compiled the
information I've found there. I have a ESU fleet myself so I'll be
playing ESU so I'll use that further on. I've seen they controle 14
outer colonies stars as well as the Nova Moskva (the capital I seem to
recall ?) in the Inner Colonies. Do they have any of the other Inner
Colonies ? What exactly is at the outer colonies systems ? How many
planets, what kind of facilites etc.

Similar questions go for the other 3 major powers.

Is this something the list has already discussed, as I'm still new ? If
anyone have any suggestions, material, ideas I'd be very grateful.


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