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Re: Far Stars Union Web site

From: RWHofrich@a...
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:36:29 EST
Subject: Re: Far Stars Union Web site

Regarding typos on the pages:

Actually, since I was using the provided 1-2-3 Publish software (I think

that's what it is called), I didn't have the option of spell checking. 
I had 
written everything out on Word (spell checked, of course) then e-mailed
it to 
my home computer.  I was planning on pasting this text into the page,
but it 
wouldn't take!	I ended up having to re-type all of the stuff, and
since my almost-three-year-old son kept interrupting and wanting to use

Regarding cultural make-up of nation (southern US and Germans):

Well, there are two large portions of the poulation that are made up
Latin Americans and Czechs (they just tend not to be part of the "ruling

class" at this point in the nation's history--but their economic and 
political power is growing and will probably eclipse the other groups in

another 20 years or so--assuming no direct action by the Kra'Vak or any
external forces).

Regarding political make up of the FSU:

The reason that the Union government tends toward libertarianism is that
keeps it from interfering with the more organized local governments. 
And it 
helps trade, so everyone ends up better off, but it would be a mistake
think that the legal/political/economic situation on say Neu Pilsen
would be 
called libertarian by ANYONE.  You have to remember that the only world 
actually controlled by the Union government is Gryphon ("only" a moon)
that place is mostly a government/military base with only limited

With regards to the Alarishi--I figure relations would be relatively
though competitive on an economic basis, though raids by FSU-flagged 
privateers during the troubles with the FSE in the past (circa 2129) may
had an adverse impact on Alarishi commerce in that sector of space and
have generated some long term ill will.

The FSU is somewhat aggressive when it comes to claiming new territory,
the nation's small size and limited resources generally keep this
in check.

Just a thought or two...


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