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Re: Followup to Operation Furious Riposte [FB KV speculations]

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 20:22:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Followup to Operation Furious Riposte [FB KV speculations]

    >My reply to Laserlight:
    >Defeat in detail would not have happened.
    If you're fighting them all at once, that's not "in detail."
You'd need to find them separated by something like 300+ MU so you
could pound on one squadron for a few turns without the other squadron
being able to get there and support.
    >To Oerjan:
    >I like your thoughts. Increase the costs. That might just do the
trick. I'll try some of your figures. Though I have to ask how on a
per mass basis you can equate RG to beams... given that a beam 1 or
beam 2 has a range of 12 or 24 MU and a class 1 and 2 RG have a 30"
range. That means that your small ships are ineffective for a turn or
more while the KV are "in the zone".

    I can answer that on Oerjan's behalf: "Fly faster."  Although I
grant you that KV scatter guns are ugly in close--when fighting KV,
I'd want a few salvo missiles or fighter squadrons to force him to
expend the scatter charges.  I like the idea of degrading them by

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