Re: St Jon Speaks
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 17:23:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: St Jon Speaks
On 23-Dec-99 at 17:22, Laserlight ( wrote:
> >The blessed St Jon spoke thus:
> ><<<
> >Wishing you a HAPPY XMAS and a good and prosperous 2000!
> >
> Darryl muttered:
> >Where does Fleet Book 2 have the letter 'M' in? :-)
> It's a substitution cypher. Noting that St^3 Jon wrote Xmas instead
> of Christmas, we observe that "Fleet Bk v2" has the same number of
> letters as "Happy Xmas." Note the double P in Happy coresponds with
> the double E in Fleet. Apparently the cypher base shifts with each
> word, since the "L" in Fleet is represented by an A, and there is also
> an A in Xmas, where is probably means "v" for "volume", or possibly
> "zero" for a reading "Fleet Bk02".
You obviously have too much time on your hands. You need to do
something a little more useful, go challange someone to a game
of FT/DS/SG.