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RE: Snipers, Mr. Sarno!

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 07:02:21 -0500
Subject: RE: Snipers, Mr. Sarno!

Sorry, I was incorrect.

SG p. 25 (Firing at Unlocated Targets) references the Range Die modified
Cover (not a cover die as I wrote). My thought was that each time the
fires and does not move, his general location would be narrowed (even if
actually spotted). "He's somewhere between those two trees. Put a couple
frag grenades in there." What would be a better mechanic to model this?
rules state that there is no effect unless the firer manages to beat the
target's best of 2 dice rolls. Perhaps shift the range die down?

As I indicated, I have only played once, so perhaps both penalties are

Brian Bell	  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 12:41 AM
> To:	GZG List
> Subject:	Snipers, Mr. Sarno!
> =============
> Mr. Bell speaks sagely
> =============

> Though I have a question: What did you mean here? is this SG2 and am I
> missing something? Cover die? You mean the range die?
> "
>  One last suggestion. For each round a sniper fires without moving
> (after
> the first), its cover die is shifted Down one for fire against hidden
> targets directed against the sniper and an observer's quality die gets
> shifted UP one if trying to spot the sniper.
> "
> I'm good with the die shift for spotting. I don't like the other part.
> I think I'm going to try to collect some of these posts and put up an
> SG2 sniper page.

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