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Re: Safe speeds

From: Tom Granvold <Thomas.Granvold@E...>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 09:57:53 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Safe speeds

Magic" <> wrote:

> Again a good post.  I think I poorly stated my reply.  To aviod an
> you need to be able to turn your vector to be 90 degrees from your
> course.  In Cinematic no problem but in Vector it takes a few turns to
> (each turn still heading for the solid point of contact).
> As for Vmax for a fleet I also feel it would be lower than Rsensor. 
> don't want to outfly your eyes.  Additionally this adds another reason
> scouts to lead a fleet.  They can send back information about possible
> obsticles before your big folks have to worry about them.  They also
tend to
> be more manuverable and definitly not so costly to run into the side
of a
> planet <G>.

   A few comments of my own, all IMHO.	First, a ship will be able to
a planet or moon (or DeathStar :-) a lot farther off than detecting
ship.  I can see Jupiter at night without any instrumentation at all.  I
the sensor ranges in the game are for detecting smaller objects such as
and asteriods.

   Second, you don't need to make a 90 degree turn to avoid a collision.
Depending on how close to the  obsticle and how fast your going a turn
only a couple degree may be needed.  Planets  will be detected at
long ranges, so even with them only a small turn is needed.

   Say there is an obsticle 36 inches away.  In vector movement, a ship
at a speed of 20 making a push to the side of 1 will miss it by 1.8
In cinematic movement a turn of 1 at a speed of 20 will miss it by 10
How big is your obsticle?  In Full Thrust we don't have a distance
scale, so
there is no definite answer to the size of an object.  I feel that at
speed under 100 there is little chance of not being able to avoid an
obsticle smaller than the larger asteriods.  Of course you can adjust
size/distance scale to give any effect you want.  If I were doing Star
then I probably would want it much harder to avoid asteriods (as shown
in the
chase of the Milleniun Falcon in episode 5).

> Your final point is definitly worth thinking about.  It would be very
> for a Thrust 2 fleet to come screaming in at anything near Rsensor. 
> they were led by scouts that could report back.

   BTW, I like the idea of a reason for scouts to lead a fleet.
Tom Granvold				       

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