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RE: SG II Snipers and the spirit of the game [CLEAN STAMP]

From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 13:35:22 -0500
Subject: RE: SG II Snipers and the spirit of the game [CLEAN STAMP]

At 12:54 PM 12/13/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Cleats Balentine wrote:
>> I really must take exception with Owen's inference
>> that using a sniper to get suppressions goes against
>> the 'spirit of the game.'
>It really does, though. No sniper would risk giving away his position
>just to make a platoon keep their heads down for a few minutes.
>That would be a huge waste of his time & effort, and could possibly
>get him killed for nothing.

Well I have to disagree but with a caveat.  A lot of times people think
snipers as some guy that went to sniper school for two years and is as
a shot as Lee Harvey. But the fact is most snipers have a specialist
weapons and have received some training but are working for Companies or
even platoons. A marine and even US rifle companies (TOEs change all the
times) occasionally have snipers right in their TOE at Company HQ. Their
job of course apart from observation is combat related and they are not
the level where they are being sent to kill some division commander or
assasinate the president, they';re roles include rearguard tyupe stuff
mentioned above. Same goes for Rusain ex-Soviet TOEs where you even have
snipers at the platoon level. These are guys who shoot the best onhe
so they're given a sniper rifle (SVD), not strategic assetts. (That's a
whole 'nuther bred of sniper and yes you are right those guys would not
doing thise kind of work mentioned above.) 

There are plenty of examples of sniper's (Hey actually they're
sharpshooters) doing that kind of stay behind, slowing up teh whole
kind of  delaying work as part of the main battle. (and takingg the
losses that go with tryingto do that) WW2 Normandy, Russia Front,
etc etc. Even in specops it happens on occasion. In training we once
being chased by a platoon and our sniper peeled off and picked off 11
(using MILES gear) while we hauled ass out of there. It was in Utah
mountainous type environment and we could see even though we'd put a
between us and them they were still pinned down thinking someone was
shooting at them or hunting them. Pretty funny.

In SG2 terms it's a matter of quality/expereience and mission. Perhaps
lesser quality guys being used in that capacity have a much lower
possibility of staying hidden?


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