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Re: Boarding combat

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 16:32:31 -0500
Subject: Re: Boarding combat

Oerjan Ohlson wrote:

> If someone starts shooting at you up close and personal, are you going
> to shoot back or surrender? <g>

I'm going to shoot back, mostly because I grew up with firearms.  Most
of the people I knew in the Navy had the Navy bootcamp firearms
6 shots with a 45 with an insert to shoot .22's, and if you looked 
crosseyed they kicked you out with no shots.  I personally would be
as afraid of the Navy people on my side as I would be of my opposition.

>  It also favours the attacker
> quite a bit (quite a bit extra, that is - you don't normally attempt
> board unless you already have the odds in your favour!), since
> defensive parties will either be mixed or have crew only.

I don't know, wouldn't having as many marines attacking as navy
defending (assuming PA for the marines) put the odds heavily in
the attackers favor anyway?  This all assumes that the ship
doesn't self-destruct.

Has anyone done a boarding action with SG?


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