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RE: Too easy

From: Simon LeRay-Meyer <sleray-meyer@v...>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 10:41:56 +1100
Subject: RE: Too easy

that's a little unfriendly!

mmmmmmm, big guns always win over missiles.  You just have to survive
first round of contact.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson, Brendan []
Sent: Wednesday, 8 December 1999 9:35
To: 'gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU'
Subject: RE: Too easy

"O ye of little faith, bow down before my might and power."
 - Lord Amoral, LAPAF

On a more serious note, I haven't really worried about the MT missiles,
they all targetted NCC2403 (a nova cannon cruiser) on the same turn that
EVERY ship in weapons range targetted it, so it was very dead at the end
anyway.  So, you've got 2 MT missiles left, eh?
Sorry about the nova cannon, but I'm field 3 very radical designs
boat, nova cannon boat & Pulsetorp boat), but having 2 fleets fly strait
through the middle of multiturn nova cannon fire certainly caused plenty
casualties. ;-)

Neath Southern Skies -
[mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 3:26 AM
> Ah, thanks be to the FAQ.  Seems that by using one FCS to launch each
> missle
> provides a balancing factor to the "Ha ha, I've just launched 56 MT
> Missles at
> your head . . . suck it up baby".  I'm currently using MT missles in a
> pbem game
> I've had the pleasure to be involved in.  Though I don't have any
> dedicated
> "missle boats", rather the MT missle is used in a long range / support
> role.
> The fleet has maybe 8 of theses MTM, and I've found them to be fairly
> effective.
> Maybe not as effective as an oppenets 2 Nova Cannons . . . yuck ;)

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