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SG2 lite

From: kaladorn@f...
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 11:13:29 -0500
Subject: SG2 lite

I'll agree and disagree with some things said so far.

1. Try not to overgun your squads. Limit to one support weapon per 4-8
guys. More and you start throwing mitt-fulls of dice and causing mass

2. Keep most troop qualities vet-reg. elite are powerful and green or
untrained add some nasty things to remember. They add a lot to the
game, but it is easy to miss their extra rules.

3. Keep troop morale at confident, unless you want to handicap then
make some fatigued which drops them to steady.

4. Make mission motivation medium. It is the best all around choice.

5. Avoid (though later games are good) snipers, heavy arty (though a
mortar might be neat to give the feel), PA (I find these very tough
and their mobility quite distorting as well at the CC benefits huge),
large or numerous vehicles.

6. Unlike Owen, I've seen GMS in almost every game I play and smoke
rarely. Smoke tends to slow down the game a lot as it cuts of lines of
fire and turns games into far more defensive ventures.	I agree it is
a staple of RL combat, but if you want a fast scenario, this isn't the
way. GMS too add an extra mechanic - if you don't like them, stick to
IAVRs and SAWs.

7. EW makes again for a slower game. Good choice to avoid.

8. Have a command squad, and 2-4 rifle squads or 2-3 rifle squads + HW
squad. The command is part of the major inspiration in the SG2 system.

9. Keep a handle on squad FP. Too much means you get casualties pretty
easy. Armour OTOH serves to draw out the game (if the defender can

10. For a board, remember regular troops are deadly out to (I'd say)
24" and still dangerous out to 40". So cover is good. Fences, hills,
boulders, thickets... all good. Avoid too many terrains that impose
differing movement strictures. Keep your cover spaced - some of it 4"
apart, some of it 8-10" apart... and keep in mind you should set the
board up to encourage the fight in the middle - sane players will try
to stay in cover and if all the cover is along the edges, you'll get a
fight that avoids the middle like the plague.

11. Remember: Play the Game, Not the Rules. You're there to have fun.
If you don't have an answer, don't waste a day looking for it (some
stuff can be hard to find at the minute you want it). Make up an
answer. Keep play rolling and the players engaged.

Tom B.

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