Prev: Re: Infantryman's Prayer, was Re: Big Ships, Big Guns, and Big Power Next: Air Superiority Boardgame (ot & was: Re: Stealth)

Re: Infantryman's Prayer, was Re: Big Ships, Big Guns, and Big Power

From: Barry Cadwgan <bcadwgan@f...>
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 1999 16:52:57 +1100
Subject: Re: Infantryman's Prayer, was Re: Big Ships, Big Guns, and Big Power

I rather like the one that goes something like:

"Lord, you know what I must do this day.  If I forget thee, do not thou
forget me."

Barry Cadwgan ( BCADWGAN@FL.NET.AU )
"The end does not justify the means.  
 The end is the sum of the means,
 as the road travelled determines the destination." 
Valijon Starbringer (Hellflower Trilogy, Eluki bes Shahar)

Prev: Re: Infantryman's Prayer, was Re: Big Ships, Big Guns, and Big Power Next: Air Superiority Boardgame (ot & was: Re: Stealth)