Re: Just what will we see on the GZGVerse battlefield?
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 11:04:04 -0500
Subject: Re: Just what will we see on the GZGVerse battlefield?
I happen to think that most of the fighting will still be planetary
action that involve NO outside interventions. (Meaning planetary
or what not). Heck the home ofice may never even hear about it or rely
the locals to deal with their own porblem. People fighting themselves
various worlds colonies or otherwise. (though early colonies will be
occupied with survival (maybe not so: fewer resources means more reason
be the guy in charge of them.) But once humans pull themselves out of
grubbing survival mode they 'll look around and find something big or
to disagree about, or better yet fall back to one of eth old standby's
religeon, race, who's grandpa killed who a thousand years ago, etc etc.
Hey it's not like people are going to get along any better in the future
than they are now.
At 02:38 AM 12/1/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>What I see is only the regulars will have anything approaching armor
>>artillery. The numbers are limited by shipping. Battles in the Inner
>>or on Earth would see the full gamut of weapons systems, but colonies
>>independents would have the last war's equipment (Surplus/hand me
>>instead of "Low tech". It is just not cost effective in terms of
>>production. When a colony can afford (is allowed?) to arm, they will
>>want to get the most bang for the buck.
>>My vision is full combined arms teams of regulars against well
motivated or
>>numerous infantry (militia), or small task forces of regulars fighting
>over key
>>objectives (spaceport, mines, alien artifacts...).
>I agree. There have been several military-sci-fi authors who have
>this sort of idea in detail, and most of them (Drake being a notable
>exception) seem to suggest that most fights on distant colony worlds
>be foot-infantry with little/no "heavy support". Small-size forces
>(landing a battalion would be a BIG deal) with assault landers but few
>any vehicles would be the norm for any but the biggest and most
>inner-system conflicts...
>And as I'm a SGII player, this mindset allows for all kinds of great
>conflicts without having to worry about the details of the heavy stuff
>To add to Michael's list above, you'd probably get a lot of the "small
>force of regulars" against "numerous militia" type scenarios too - with
>little heavy stuff on either side.
>A colony with 50 years on the ground, unless they are terminally
>incompetant or hopeless underachievers, will be able to get SOME sort
>industry going, one would think. It doen't take much to convert a
truck or
>farm transport into a Katushy-style MLRS platform, and to make mortars
>to including big stuff (like 120mm). I see that as being the de-rigeur
>artillery for the low-tech colonial militia type forces. The company
>force of regulars might not have even this much heavy firepower. Of
>course, they counter with zoomie communications gear, PA, etc... to
make it
>Good scenario opportunities there...