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Re: DS2/SG2 artillery

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:41:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: DS2/SG2 artillery

On 30-Nov-99 at 10:22, Los ( wrote:
> At 11:11 AM 11/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Los wrote:
> >
> >> 
> >> I still don't get the assumption that something fired form 200
> >> (ortillery) up will be more accurate (or cost effective) than
> >> fired from 10 miles away (SP arty) from the ground. I can't make
> >> leap of faith very easily since ground based fire technology wion't
> >> moving forward just as well as space-based fire control.
> >
> >It may not be as acurrate, but it will have a much longer flight
> >You wanna wait 40 minutes for a  firemission to land fromthe time you

> >request it?
> >
>  Everyone around here seems to wave a hand non-chalantly, oh well
> resistance will be futile when you won orbit. That's a load of major
> bullshit.
> Los

I always thought it was pretty obvious, if you want to nuke the
of a planet back to the stone age and make it uninhabitable then you
don't need ground forces, you just need space superiority, a few tugs,
and a big rock.  If you need the planet or want to "save" the people
ground forces are the only option.  I really don't see how that can
ever change.  Maybe someday we'll have robots to do the ground forces
job, but if we ever have machines smart enough to deal with the chaos
of a battlefield they will probably be replacing us shortly anyway.


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