[SG2] DESPERATE: Seeking 20mm Miniatures from UK
From: "Scott Spieker" <scspieker@n...>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 11:12:38 -0500
Subject: [SG2] DESPERATE: Seeking 20mm Miniatures from UK
Hi again,
I have stumbled onto something that I hope anyone in the UK may be
to help me with. I am looking for a range of Sci-Fi figures from Blade
Miniatures (101 Church St., Atworth, Melksham, Whitshire, SN12 8JA).
had a line of 20mm figures that were being sold around 1995 or so. They
have since gone under, and I would like to find:
1) The owner of the molds (either to purchase them, or for a small run
the line)
2) Anyone who may have some of these figures for sale/trade what have
3) Any way to get their items whatsoever.
4) E-mail or phone number for Michael Percy of SHQ
5) E-mail or phone number for Nick Rees (I am guessing that he is the
original owner of Blade???)
The sci-fi line was absolutely beautiful work (namely Michael Percy of
had done the sculpting), and Nick Rees did the vehicles. I could use
form of communication or information regarding the whereabouts of the
molds, masters, old inventory, used items, former owners, business
information, etc.
It seems that mail delivered to the Church Street address is accepted,
there is never a reply or returned mail - so I can only assume that this
location is a residence of some sort. If someone can help identify who
what is at this address, I would be greatly appreciative.
Please - if anyone on the list can help, please do! If I can purchase
molds, I will be _VERY_ happy and able to recreate a fantastic line of
figures from a dead company.
Thank you for your time