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Re: [SGII] Newbie Game AND shameless plug...

From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 23:50:14 -0500
Subject: Re: [SGII] Newbie Game AND shameless plug...

OK, you were planning to run intro games this weekend, so this is
hopelessly late, but just for your and others' info, Ted Arlauskas has a
great web page at:

which has a whole bunch of TOE's for all kinds of organizations, and
from the "shameless plug" department, I'll mention that Ted kindly put
up a
TOE that I was working on for the 123rd Battalion Royal New Anglian
Infantry. This is a rather detailed TOE for a Regimental Battle Group
(British/Canadian/Australian type regiment, which is Battalion size)
detailed down to Platoon level or so.  Check it out.


Adrian Johnson

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