Re: Gen Con - a Canadian thought
From: "Tom McCarthy" <tmcarth@f...>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:03:56 -0500
Subject: Re: Gen Con - a Canadian thought
>I was at mapquest checking out how long it would take to get to
>PA and GZG-ECC from Fargo, ND...a bit over 24 hours.
Ouch ! I guess I never looked too closely at exactly where ND was in
relation to PA, but now that I think about it, Lancaster is pretty much
south of Ottawa and Milwaukee is mostly west, and ND is further west.
I'll buy that it's a 24 hr. drive. I guess we won't see Dean at ECC
the year he's got plane fare burning a hole in his pocket.
I know at least one friend who'll be sorely disappointed by a change of
venue for GenCon. This fellow's been going regularly for decades and
quite the full itinerary. Water St Brewhouse Wednesday dinner, Maaders
their beer club Sunday evening, and at least one meal in between is at
brew place just over the bridge. Oh, well.