Whoa! Re: Bad Gen Con News.
From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 08:18:46 -0600
Subject: Whoa! Re: Bad Gen Con News.
Okie, okie, it's bad news for me, horrendous news for Mark,
but given the feeling by a lot of us that WotC was probably
going to move it to the left coast, you have to give SOME
credit for keeping a midwest/heartland tradition in the center
of the continent.
Anyway, as the t-shirt idea seems to have devolved into
quibbling about quotes, we should probably be focusing on
trying the second half of my idea, Jihad 2000. Lads on the
list, me excepted, of course, have done yeoman service
promoting GZG. I'd say this makes it worth redoubling the
Oh, my brothers, as this is the year that Andon has promised
that the miniatures shall return from the wilderness, let
those of us pilgrimaging to this far off land, and the many
other showcases of wars-without-blood, to prove our devotion.
Anyway, lighten up. Three more years, three more GenCons in
Milwaukee. Heck, my first GenCon was in Kenosha; the con was
named after Lake Geneva. Someone else will have fond memories
of Indianappolis if the next move happens, me thinks.
Now, if only I could get Salute moved to Kansas City... ;->=
Wailing and gnashing of teeth: