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[Convention] GZG East Coast Convention & Event signups

From: Jon Davis <DavisJE@n...>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 07:21:18 -0500
Subject: [Convention] GZG East Coast Convention & Event signups

The Ground Zero Games - East Coast Convention III

Preregistration and event signups will begin on December 1st.

When:	February 25 - 27, 2000
Where:	Hotel Brunswick,  Lancaster, PA

All scheduled convention events will feature a GZG rules
set including Full Thrust, Dirtside II, Stargrunt II, the
Earth Force Source Book, FT Fleet Book rules, and FMA,
Full Metal Anorak, the upcoming man-to-man skirmish rules


Jon Tuffley, Guest of Honor, Ground Zero Games

There are a few open slots for event submissions. Please contact
Jon Davis via e-mail if you'd like to schedule and run an event 
at this convention.
Jon Davis

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