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Re: [ft] NAC fleet roster analysed

From: Ryan M Gill <monty@a...>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 18:55:29 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [ft] NAC fleet roster analysed

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Unless your people get off their encounter-suited
butts and do something, I've got nothing to lose! wrote:

> No, pulse-torp variant, or heavy fire-support type ship. From the
> "BC/P - The BLACK PRINCE class battlecruiser (BC/P) is a heavy
> variant of the MAJESTIC class battlecruiser. Built in small numbers
since 2168,
> its role is to support a fleet with heavy long-range firepower. Though
> thrust is standard, it has a higher rotational ability than many ships
of its
> size, allowing it to bring its limited-arc weapons to bear more
easily. In the
> hands of a good captain, the BLACK PRINCE has proven to be a valuable
asset in
> large-scale fleet battles and more production is planned. Service

Damn damn damn. Now I need a different name for my Sovereign Class. I
built a fast Battle Cruiser by combining a Vandenberg with an extra long

"shovel". 6 Thrust, 2 class 3w/4 arcs, 2 class 1s, lvl 1 shields, 5 
armour, 2 PDS. 

- Ryan Montieth Gill	  NRA / DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
-	    I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
- -
- '85 Honda CB700S  -  '72 Honda CB750K  - '76 Chevy MonteCarlo  -

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