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[ft] NAC fleet roster analysed

From: Tom Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 17:48:03 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [ft] NAC fleet roster analysed

i've knocked up a little program which sorts through one of Indy's fleet
rosters (once i've hand-hacked it a bit to get it in a consistent format
computer can understand better) and lists the numbers of each type of
ship. at the moment, i only have type codes (BB, CA, etc), but i should
able to add in class names and PVs once i've hunted them down. i should
also be able to do other analyses, such as finding what proportion of a
given class is in groups of a certain type, etc.

here's the list (alphabetically sorted, i'm afraid):

BB	26
BC	14
BC/E	7
BC/P	4
BCN	10
BCN/B	12
BDN	15
CA	93
CE	67
CE+	27
CL	105
CM	12
CT	39
CV	15
CVE	18
CVL	12
Cl	2
DD	227
DDG	15
DDH	28
FFH	146
SDN	13
Scout	17


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