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Re: IF & UN colors/insignia

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 20:05:30 -0500
Subject: Re: IF & UN colors/insignia

Laserlight wrote:
> The Nyrath map has the
> Saeed Khaliphate flag as green, bearing the crescent and star in
> white.  I wouldn't expect red except in a ESU-influenced state, and
> given the ESU is supplying ships to the PAU, which is hostile to the
> IF, I'd say it's unlikely.

	Keeping in mind, of course, that the Nyrath Saeed flag is
	about as non-canon as they come.
	You will note that in the legend it is marked with the
	dreaded "*", which means "the Owners of this nation
	have not supplied me with a map so I made this up"

	What I generally do is go to
	and look up a flag of a nation associated with the
	Full Thrust empire and use that.

	Exceptions include the Kra'vak flag, which is the
	ancient alchematical symbol for "brimstone".

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