[ft] SMASH derby (was: RE: Tugs & Firing Arcs)
From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:01:03 +1100
Subject: [ft] SMASH derby (was: RE: Tugs & Firing Arcs)
You call, I answer.
Monster Truck Astro SMASH Demolition Derby.
Rules: Vector movement is preferred, but not essential.
Setup: Lay out 2 circles or ovals of string (or similar) with a
diameter of
at least 15MU, one inside the other with a width of 10-15MU. This is
Ships: All ships are mass 80 with very strong hulls (40 hits) & no FTL.
Players can design within this limit.
Rules: Ships are lined up on the starting grid facing the same
On the first turn, no ships can fire. Second turn, only beams can fire
third turn all weapons are free to fire.
Ramming is allowed after ships pass the halfway mark of the track.
Any ship hitting the edge of the track takes 4d6 damage and stops dead
(velocity 0). This could be useful in some cases where you need to get
enemy truck off your tail.
Needle damage is limited to 1 hit against MD. All ships must be allowed
DC their MD back to at least 1/2 thrust.
Ramming: To ram, the ship must first roll 3+ on 1d6 to get close
enough to attempt it, then resolve the attempt as normal (FT).
Damage from ramming is 1d6 per damage row still intact, inflicted on
ships. This is less than normal, as these ships are designed to ram!
Winning: The winner is the last ship still alive or the ship
crosses the finish line with at least 1 less row of damage than any
ship. If neither criteria is met, then the track vanishes to enter a
melee with victory going to the last ship standing.
Neath Southern Skies - http://users.mcmedia.com.au/~denian/
[mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Pope [SMTP:tpope@cs.cmu.edu]
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 7:30 AM
> > (Anyone else here seen Space Truckers...?) ;-)
> Now all we need is rules for the space Monster Truck Astro SMASH
> Demolition
> Derby!!!!!!
> Tom