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Re: [FT AAR] New Israel/Islamic Federation

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 19:50:24 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT AAR] New Israel/Islamic Federation

Oerjan muttered:
>Hm... all in all about 3:2 odds in the NI's favour, points-wise.
>Sub-light ships are more powerful ton for ton than FTL ones, but not
>*that* much :-/ Did you  have victory conditions concerning the fate
>the convoy too?

No specific victory conditions.  I'd been assuming that I should add
+25% to the IF total to account for being non-FTL.

It's kind of tough to model a real raid, until we manage an
operational scale game.  I'm working on that.  Normally an IF force
would be something like 700 points, and a NI hunter group should
easily quash it.
If they can catch it, that is.

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