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Re: GZG is dying!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:27:08 +0100
Subject: Re: GZG is dying!

>> I'd say that it's a bit premature to say that GZG is in its death
>> throes.
>Where did this come from? Was there a sudden drop in GZG
>shares :)
>Just got back from the SELWG show in london, Jon/GZG looked

Just to confirm this, our UK market (which is what supplies over 95% of
turnover, as opposed to GeoHex's) is just fine - in fact it's getting
steadily better all the time. As to the situation in the US, you'll have
ask KR about how that's going......
We expect to be around for a long time yet (especially as I haven't made
enough money to retire on.....) :-)
>In fact I think drowning in drool as excited punters fought
>to get a look at the new Islamic (I think) FT ships.
>They did look very good.
>Mind you the show stealer for me was the "morale dice"
>Didn't get a chance to ask you exactly how it's supposed to

You roll it and look at the top face when it stops rolling....	(sorry,
couldn't resist that!!)
Seriously, it's not one of our own products, we just buy 'em from our
regular dice supplier - but they're great fun and everyone needs a few
their dice bag!

Jon (GZG)
>Going to be great fun praying for a smiley face in the heat
>of a fire fight :)

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