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Re: GZG is dying!

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:17:15 +1300
Subject: Re: GZG is dying!

Phil wrote:
> Apparently, there is a new ground combat game called 'Vor' that is
supposed to be a generic combat system.  Anyone know anything about it?

	You can find very little more at the manufacturer's site:
	and look for Vor.

The best description I've got comes from Military Simulations' catalog
in Australia, which has several paragraphs of description. It uses 25
mm figures and is a skirmish game, a bit like GW's
Necromunda/Mordheim/Gorkmorka (but without vehicles) or Mutant
Chronicles or FMA.
	If you want more description, let me know and I'll type it in.

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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