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Sol and Gaia Class (another cut)

From: "Thomas Barclay" <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 14:34:43 -0400
Subject: Sol and Gaia Class (another cut)

Sol Class:
I turfed the "old tech" items, though I think the ship looks like a
Nova Canon ship. The hull has to be weak in order to fit in the
weapons and cargo and whatnot and keep mass in the 300-320 range. That
is justified, given the 11 cm length of the mini - and the testimony
of someone that it was bigger than the 280 mass Jeanne D'Arc. It has
enough PDS and 1's to make fighters and strikeboats think twice, and
I've changed the arcs on a lot of the other weapons. Someone said the
beams didn't look bigger than those on the ESU that were class 3's, so
I cut them to 3's. The four fins each have a PT, and the left and
right fins and nose have a class 3 beam. The SMLs are the launchers
mounted to the sides of the front fuselage that look like long tubes.
The Subpacks (for some close in punch if anything wants to get that
close) are mounted between the fins on the nose on the bottom of the
fuselage - the square forward facing protrusions that look like a
quadpack launcher. The class 2 beams are housed on the horizontal
wings (2 top, 2 bottom) and near the front in the top-half protrusions
near where I'd think the bridge would be. The cargo modules are
represented as passenger modules as I assume the X means it has room
for diplomats and such. You don't send an SDN on science missions. But
the module could (in wartime) be refitted for troops, or cargo.

The ship, with screen-2 over armour and a decent amount of hull, is a
lot tougher to take down than you might think. Add in profligate PDS
and Type 1's, and ECM and it is fairly well defended.

I ommitted the fighters which, though I see a point, aren't supported
by the mini - no launch bays or recovery runways. Obviously, you
accompany this beast with a CVS, CVE or CVL for fighter cover. This is
a line of battle warship with added diplomatic funcitons. It is not a
bus for scientists (the UN cutters and other small ships would do
that), and it isn't a cargo ship. You don't turn your SDNs into
provider ships. In wartime, the fit out might include more SML ammo,
but it might also include 75-2000 (depending on your troop packaging
PSB) troops.

Sol Class SDN-X
Hull Displacement 320
Point Cost 1113
Unallocated Mass 0
Ship Type Military
Hull Strength Weak
Hull Armor 16
Streamlining None
Thrust 4
FTL Capable
Passive Sensors
Active Sensors Superior
ECM Individual
ADFC (1)
Fire Control System (5)
PDS (6)
Screen Level 2

Armour: 16
Row1: 16
Row2: 16
Row3: 15
Row4: 15
Crew: 16

Beam / 3 FP F FS AP AS
Beam / 3 FP F AP
Beam / 3 F FS AS
SML (2)
SM Magazine Cap: 12
(6 / 4 ER salvos)
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Beam / 2 FP F AP
Beam / 2 FP F AP
Beam / 2 F FS AS
Beam / 2 F FS AS
Beam / 2 FP F FS
Beam / 2 FP F FS
Cargo Space P3 P3 P3 P3
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Submunitions Pack (2)
Submunitions Pack (2)

Gaia class:
Drop the extra cargo/passenger/troop modules.
Drop SMLs and use the SML pylon to mount another beam 2 battery on
each pylon. Use the internal space for the SML magazine for more
armour because of the smaller hull. Some of SML mag is cargo space.
Thrust drops to 3 (smaller engine cluster, but pushing a smaller

Sol Class SDN-X
Hull Displacement 270
Point Cost 952
Unallocated Mass 0
Ship Type Military
Hull Strength Weak
Hull Armor 27
Streamlining None
Thrust 3
FTL Capable
Passive Sensors
Active Sensors Superior
ECM Individual


ADFC (1)
Fire Control System (5)
PDS (6)
Screen Level 2

Beam / 3 FP F FS AP AS
Beam / 3 FP F AP
Beam / 3 F FS AS
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Pulse Torpedo Launcher FP F FS
Beam / 2 FP F AP
Beam / 2 FP F AP
Beam / 2 F FS AS
Beam / 2 F FS AS
Beam / 2 FP F FS
Beam / 2 FP F FS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Beam / 1 FP F FS AP A AS
Submunitions Pack (2)
Submunitions Pack (2)
Beam / 2 FP F FS
Beam / 2 FP F FS
Cargo Space P2 P2 P2 P2

So, you have a 270 mass SDN, and a 320 mass SDN-X. The SDN-X has about
the same weapons loadout, only a few extra cargo spaces for diplomats
or troops, and a dual SML launcher for some long range punch. It has a
little less armour, but more hull. Either would be a nasty customer to
run into. The SDN-X has about 320 crew, and the SDN about 280 crew.

Thomas Barclay
Software UberMensch
xwave solutions
(613) 831-2018 x 3008

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