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RE: SGII: Firing DFFG at infantry

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:19:45 +1000
Subject: RE: SGII: Firing DFFG at infantry

You've lost me with some of your reasoning.

1.	I don't think SG actually covers the mechanics for multiple
weapons (have to check my book), but it is covered under DS.  The main
benefit of rolling an extra die is the increased chance of a major
result.  For PSB, you need to take into account that there is always
minor variation in the barrels' alignment, which could be enough to
cause 1
shot to hit & 1 to miss, especially over long ranges (and also there is
usually some sort of separation to allow cooling of the barrel).
Also keep in mind that the mechanics between dispersed fire (multiple
& point fire (single hit) are slightly different. 

2.	Only the weapons listed in the fire combat rules are
anti-infantry.	Although the RFAC/1 may be a more powerful version of a
for abstraction and playability.  Also, if you check the PSB about the
I remember it mentioning somewhere that there are 2 settings for the
which can be dialed, anti-infantry & anti-armour.  
Also keep in mind that vehicle weapons are designed to take out other
vehicles, which usually means direct impact.  It can be difficult to get
through heavy armour using a proximity fuse alone...

The best anti-infantry weapon in SG is another infantryman, or a good
artillery barrage.
'Neath Southern Skies -

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Johnson []
> Sent: Thursday, October 21, 1999 1:12 PM
> >1.	It depends on how you mounted them.  If it's a twin mount (ie:
> >turret), then they're fired together using 1 action (Q + FC + FC).	
> If they are sighted at the same impact point, why would you roll two
> separate FC die?  Same FC system guides both weapons... think about a
> .50 cal anti-aircraft mount - you have ONE FC system for all of the
> weapons....
> In the case of a turret mounting two DFFGs, one would assume they are
> to be fired together at the same target, so roll a Quality die and a
> *single* FC die.  But since there are two weapons firing, if there is
> hit, the IMPACTs would be rolled separately.
> I don't think there is any occasion covered by the rules that you
> see
> more than ONE FC die being rolled in a single fire action.
> >2.	In SG, any vehicle FC weapon rolls d8 impact against infantry,
> >regardless of the weapon type or class (ground fragmentation, etc).	
> The d8 impact against infantry is for anti-armour weapons used against
> infantry.  If the heavy weapon is an anti-infantry specific weapon, or
> uses
> anti-infantry ammunition, then you use the impact as it is listed.  
> An example would be the RFAC.  We know that an RFAC size class 1 is
> basically a 50 cal machinegun, or a 20mm autocannon.	Any soldier on
> list will tell you that the 50 cal mg makes a devestating
> weapon, and there's no way its impact value would not go DOWN vs an
> infantry target, compared to its impact on a truck, for example.  
> An IAVR has an impact of d12 vs dispersed targets (infantry) making it
> rather devastating (pg 34).  If a vehicle mounted heavy weapon fires a
> round with a warhead with similar effectiveness (considering that the
> is really an anti-ARMOUR weapon), why would it do LESS damage?

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