Re: A question of scale
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:56:49 +0100
Subject: Re: A question of scale
>I had always presumed that the FT ships were in 1/3000 scale (I don't
>actually know why I thought this, but it's formed the basis of several
>measurements since then) However, I just looked on the GeoHex page and
>saw the scale listed as 1/2000.
>Is 1/2000 the 'official' scale of the FT line?
Well, yes and no.... :-)
We always reckoned that 1/2000 was about right considering the size of
fighters, but then again the fighter minis are really too big in
to the other ships anyway.
After all, they're only glorified 3D counters anyway, so does it really
matter that much...?
Jon (GZG)
>Tom (who's got a lot of recalculating to do now)
>Thomas Pope
>Human Computer Interaction Institute
>Carnegie Mellon University