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[SG2] Oops, fogotten the Starship Troopers stuff...

From: "Scott Spieker" <scspieker@n...>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 08:51:29 -0400
Subject: [SG2] Oops, fogotten the Starship Troopers stuff...

Hi again,
    I have a few starship troopers items that are for sale as well.  I
tried (vainly) to come up with a number of these items, but only managed
get my hands on about four.  Which will supplement someone else's
a little easier.  These items are perfect for the 25mm figures in most
games!	Here's what I have:

3 wounded warrior bugs w/ 3 trooper figures.  One bug is out of it's
package, rest in package.
1 Tanker bug (big mother with the flame jet thingy) w/ 3 troopers.  In
I can get 4-5 brain bugs easily at the local store, that's about all
have other than a couple of the artillery pieces.

Best offer gets them all.

Scott Spieker

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