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[GZG-Ring] Webring

From: CGS <michael@c...>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 10:22:08 +0100
Subject: [GZG-Ring] Webring

One of the other webrings, the Alternity ring I think, has the images in
a table and it looks very nice and works well. Harder to create but well
worth the effort.

Searcher names. You never see these, they just go in the ring
description for when people are searching for a ring.

|		       |
|      GZG Logo        |
|		       |
|  FT  | DS II | SG II |
| Prev.| List  |  Next |

All of the first two lines link either to main webring site list or, the
smaller images link to specific indices.

I think this would work.

Now what was that Larry Niven joke, the ringworld cartoons?


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