Re: DS2 Opportunity Fire
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 18:03:56 +1300
Subject: Re: DS2 Opportunity Fire
Brian Bell wrote:
> Another question about opportunity fire:
> A-----------------------------------I------B-----I-----------------C
> X
> A tank unit of 5 tanks are moving from A to C.
> They get into optimum range of opponent unit X at location B.
> Line of sight is blocked to the left and right of the 'I's.
> X wants to take opportunity fire on the tank unit A at location B.
I've had this situation occur a few time. Once when the gap (I--B--I)
was only about an inch long.
I've reasoned it out based on my impression of real world tank
movements. I've assumed that the tanks are moving at a slower pace from
normal, off battlefield road speed, and move in their ending formation.
So the tanks might start off in line astern, change formation to left
echelon and drive from A to C, ending up in left echelon.
In game, I announced the unit movement and it's rough course and
destination (saying something like "Unit moving from here, via B, to
C."), then simply pick up the tank models, measure out the distance and
move 'em along to the destination.
My crafty opponent, noticing the one inch gap in the smoke
says "interupt", spoiling my day by pointing out the little gap I had
overlooked. I put down the unit in it's ending formation with the bulk
of the unit in the gap. Some tanks couldn't be seen by the firers (X),
so they were safe, the others just got toasted!
After the morale check was done, I went to complete the unit's
movement. My opponent interrupted again with Y, so I moved the trailing
elements into unit integrity distance with the lead elements, and
placed them all a bit further past the gap B2.
----------------------------------------- --- Intervening smoke
So that's how I did it. It worked well for my opponent! ^_^ And it
seemed reasonably fair to me.
Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!