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RE: Sa'Vasku for the Fleet Book

From: Andrew Apter <andya@s...>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:35:20 -0400
Subject: RE: Sa'Vasku for the Fleet Book

>>Subject: RE: Sa'Vasku for the Fleet Book
>>How about a simpler system use the fat as armor.
>>Bioenergy reserves are stored externaly and oblate if hit by fire.
>That would be different than BioArmor, then?
>A damage row like this might look like
>OB X P (O=Armor, F=Fat, H=hide, P=Power factor)
>or did you want the Fat bodies external even to armor?
>BO X P 
No the fat is the only armor
A full damage row would look like this:
FFFFF XXXXX P ( F=Fatty armor, X=body, P=Power factor) if had a full
load of fat
>Ships roll at start of game how much fat thay carry max is one per
>one with hull boxes. Ships produces a steady state 3 points of power
>power factor.
>Are you also saying the Fat bodies can't be repaired? If so, that would
>the PF 3 more logical. However, PF 3 plus random Fat power is a greater
>power total than PF2 + 1 Fat power. This may be a fine-tuning balance
>resolvable by play testing.
Fat bodies would require two units of power to create and yeald one unit
of power when consumed
The roll would be one die 6  for two rows of fat (rounded upward).

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