Re: [OT]Geo-Hex Terrain for SG and DS
From: Michael Sarno <msarno@p...>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 11:48:47 -0400
Subject: Re: [OT]Geo-Hex Terrain for SG and DS
Roger Books wrote:
> What I'm after is recommendations for a starter set. Would you
> recommend the Worldpac Gamescape set or Gamescape set?
Definitely, the Gamescape set. The Worldpac gives you mat, stream
cloth, forest cloth, and lichen, but you get so many more pieces of
terrain with the Gamescape set. Also, while Geo-Hex mats and cloths
look great, they are very expensive. You can get felt at cloth and
craft shops for ~$4 a yard. That's $4 for a piece that's 2 yards by 1
yard, i.e. you can get a 6' x 9' mat for $12. I know, it doesn't match
KR's excellent looking flocking like his beautiful mats, but you're also
not paying the $35 per mat, either. Eventually, getting the mats that
match the flocking is probably a good idea. I'm still waiting to get
mine, but I've already given KR enough drinking money with 2 Seascape
mats and $500 worth of assorted terrain this past year. <g>
> Will the Geo-Hex terrrain work well for both scales or is there
> something else that people would recommend?
Yes, Geo-Hex works great for any scale, expecially 6mm-25mm. There
is nothing better out there to form the basis for your terrain.
Personally, I use Geo-Hex as the base and then add various pieces of
terrain to it, mostly War Zone GTS ( For some
idea how this looks, check out and
I mostly play Charlie Company in 20mm skirmish scale. This combination
of terrain seems to work well.
> I've made some
> styrofoam terrain myself that looks as good as the geohex stuff,
> but it isn't really worth the effort.
Agreed, I'd rather spend my time on something other than making
terrain, besides, the Geo-Hex stuff looks great. Don't be afraid to buy
the best, you'll never be disappointed.
Michael Sarno
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