Re: [FT]FSE Reinforcements
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 13:44:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [FT]FSE Reinforcements
On 7-Oct-99 at 13:40, Michael T Miserendino (
> >>> owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU at internet 10/07 9:40 AM >>>
> Roger wrote:
> >Some of these ships have far too much SM capacity for the >number >of
> launchers. 12 spaces of SM's with 1 luancher in the >Garibaldi is
> extreme. Combats rarely last long enough to >get all 6 >launched. It
> would be a far better design if you dropped 4 >mass of >storage and
> installed other weapons or added a second >launcher.
> Two missile launchers and two magazines would give the ship more
> punch as well as protect it from losing its missile capability with
> one hit. The larger capacity magazines seems more practical for
> strategic games or campaigns.
Well, speaking from experience from the campaign I am in, you don't
put excess SM capacity in your ships, you have a supply train for
I just lost a world because I started the campaign without supply
ships. I had enough forces to hold my opponent, but down 4 fighter
squadrons and no SM's, with my SDN needing 9 and my missile cruiser
needing 10, I was left with no choice but to withdraw. The sad thing
is I'm going in next turn to take it back full up, however, I will
only have 7 replacements SM's and no fighters, so I may not be able
to hold it once I take it. I can't afford to let him get the production
points. :(