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Re: FT-Mobile Suits

From: colin.plummer@t...
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:09:45 +0100
Subject: Re: FT-Mobile Suits

Quoting Eli Arndt (Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 11:56:43PM -0700)
> >Perhaps this is best represented by being both heavy fighter type and
> >also having the following rule. The first turn mobile suits make an
> >attack on a ship they are able subject to point defense. The
> >turns they may stay with the target ship no matter where it moves, on
> >those following turns they are only subject to 6 results for PDS by
> >target ship. Escorting ships with ADAF may clean a friendly ship as
> >normal for PDS.
> I like this, though isn't firing at an MS on the hull just asking for 
> friendly fire damage?

  I agree... apply any excess damage on the MS group to the target ship?
Or perhaps any rerolls applied to the target ship instead?


option 1 : (my favourite)
  3 MS make it to the target ship.. an escort fires its PDS, scoring
5 hits..  the MS group is wiped out and the target ship takes 2 hits
friendly fire - an incentive to use 'just enough' firepower to get rid
of the

option 2 :
  4 MS make it to the ship.  PDS are rolled, scoring 1, 5 and 6 - the
gets another 6 and a 4.  Only 3 MS are taken out.. and 3 hits are
by friendly fire. - more realistic in that friendly fire can be caused
wiping out the entire group.. 


Colin Plummer

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