[OT] Re: strange forces (was Re: MISC JUNK...)
From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 09:35:09 +1000
Subject: [OT] Re: strange forces (was Re: MISC JUNK...)
G'day guys,
Steven wrote:
>>Cool. Where did you get pink tap dancing elephants?
Phil wrote:
>Irregular make 'em
I get them thru' Nic (at Eureka), but I think you're right about them
actually coming from Irreg.
>(the elephants; the pink outfits would be the
>product of Beth's own imagination <g>)
Guilty ;)
>in two sizes -- 6mm and 25mm, I think?
Yep they do come in in two scales, the smaller is one piece, but the
is in 3 and is a right royal %^%^@ to put together (worse than the
dastardly Narn!!!). When finished they look good, definitely effective
shock value ;)
Phil continued with:
>Phil, remembering the story of the gamer who used to put camp follower
>minis in with whatever unit had performed the best in his most recent
>game. Would he therefore put the pink elephants in with the unit that
>performed the _worst_, on the grounds that they needed to drown their
>sorrows, and deserved the DT's? <g>
I'm not alone?! I've got wives/docs/chaplain for my Chef/CdePK force,
dancers around a fire+camels etc for my Achaemenids and 7 drunk dwarves
a cheering squad (15mm dwarves holding a banner that says go Mum) for my
25mm dwarf army ;)
Steve afdmitted:
>Currently, I've got a generic DSII army (mostly GEV) painted in animal
Cool! Particularly the Holstein! I grew up on a farm where I had to do
milking so that sounds like sweet revenge ;)
Have fun
Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax (03) 6232 5199 International +61 3 6232 5199
email: beth.fulton@marine.csiro.au