MISC JUNK (was Re: GZG MINI+HIST:Free Cal-Tex)
From: Steven M Goode <gromit+@C...>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 22:32:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: MISC JUNK (was Re: GZG MINI+HIST:Free Cal-Tex)
Excerpts from mail: 5-Oct-99 Re: GZG MINI+HIST:Free Cal-Tex by
> You're probably making some horrid newbie mistake, like
> trying to _paint_ your mini's. Your life expectancy is
> proportionate to your ratio of unpainted to painted lead.
As a college student (read: limited budget and time) I can't afford not
to paint figures. Altho I've got rather a large number being painted at
once now ((GZG stuff: 8 1/300 tanks, 4 1/300 infantry walkers, and I've
got to flock the bases of the 60 1/300 bugs I got), a 25mm redneck, some
15mm medieval light cavalry, and (oh yeah...) that platoon of RIFTS
> >Plus I'm writing my own space combat rules....(heresy, I
> know - oh great
> >Jon, forgive me my trespasses) :)
> St^3 Jon won't mind, as it will be a useful lesson in
> humility and appreciation of his genius. I was pretty happy
> with FT when I bought it; but I became really, truly
> impressed with Jon's magnum opus when I tried to write my
> own rules.
Oh, I know. Writing rules is another of my futile hobbies. After about
1 year thinking about it, I'm almost at the playtesting stage for the
medieval ones....
> (for those of you who are caffeine-deficient: "magnum opus"
> is _not_ a penguin with a .44 pistol)
Although you've just given me an intriguing idea for a conversion....
Hey, has anyone done a really silly SG army using the weird animal minis
that are availible? Or other really silly SG armies?