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Re: [FT] Jovian formation

From: "Good news can wait. Bad news will refuse to leave. Get some sleep." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 22:12:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Jovian formation

>So, are there any professional or amature astronomers out there?

Yeah, but just been too damned busy to spare any time to look some
stuff up for laserlight. :-(  I'd consult with a colleague of mine
at work who is very much into searching for planets/brown dwarfs
around nearby stars, but he's out on sick leave, having suffered
a heart attack a week ago. When he's better I'll bug him.

Anyway, the website I maintain on unseen companions around 'nearby'
stars ('nearby' being relative ;-)  is sorely sorely sorely out of
date and in need of upgrading, so I won't point you in that direction
right now. If/when I get a chance to update it, I'll let ya know.

   o/		      ..     .
  /@		       .  .	      If you insist on reaching for a
  <|\			  .  )	      star, be prepared to take a long,
   |		     /\ 	      hard fall.
   |		    //
   /		 o //*		      Indy - climber, astronomer,
  /		<%- /|\ 	      supreme. Have rope, will travel.
 /		/\ / | \

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